Drawing is essential

I'm proudly presenting photos of my first own, self-organized exhibition. Drawings and paintings were shown. Which came to live between 2010 and early-2013. Here's the random number (belongs to the number of drawings, which I decided about to hang): " 14 ".

The Photos were taken by Wiebke Jahns aka Fräulein Schwarz, who also is blogging on blogspot. She's interested in "Schwarzmalerei" and contemporary-pessimism. Enjoy her blog here: Fräulein Schwarz

Many artists, who was involved in different kinds of technic or media, first learned how to draw or at least had any interest in. For example John Cage tried different technics of exploring random design -operations with drawings. In some way drawing is a guide for building up prototypes out of the air, or better: out of paper. In the link below there's a video about an exhibition, where Cage's drawing are shown:


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